Results for 'Pablo Elías Montes'

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  1.  12
    Desde el pesimismo ontológico al suicidio ontológico.Pablo Elías Montes - 2024 - Tópicos 46:e0073.
    Este artículo analiza el pesimismo desde una perspectiva ontológica. Para esto se analizan dos concepciones filosóficas que describan un “estado de cosas”, es decir, lecturas de la realidad en donde se manifieste la naturaleza decadente de la realidad: Schopenhauer y Nietzsche, por ejemplo. Para ello, se analizará la estructura ontológica de la realidad y su pertinencia con el suicidio: ¿el suicidio es conclusión necesaria del pesimismo? Luego, se analiza la ontología pluralista de Philipp Mainländer que defiende una postura a favor (...)
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    Linking Employee Stakeholders to Environmental Performance: The Role of Proactive Environmental Strategies and Shared Vision.Francisco Javier Lloréns-Montes, Emilio Pablo Díez-de-Castro & Elisa Alt - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (1):167-181.
    Drawing on the natural-resource-based view, we propose that employee stakeholder integration is linked to environmental performance through firms’ proactive environmental strategies, and that this link is contingent on shared vision. We tested our model with a cross-country and multi-industry sample. In support of our theory, results revealed that firms’ proactive environmental strategies translated employee stakeholder integration into environmental performance. This relationship was pronounced for high levels of shared vision. Our findings demonstrate that shared vision represents a key condition for advancing (...)
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    Francisco de Vitoria as an Early Precedent of the Modern Idea of a Legal System.Juan Pablo Zambrano-Tiznado & Raúl Elías Opazo-Fuentes - 2022 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 108 (1):128-145.
    In general, the development of the theory of the legal system has focused on the contributions of legal positivism authors, leaving to one side the contributions of natural law theory. This study seeks to rebuild the theory of the legal system developed by the School of Salamanca’s founder, Francisco de Vitoria, showing its explanatory advantages in comparison with the first analytical legal theory of legal system formulated by John Austin. This study shows that, just as in Austin, it is possible (...)
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    Broad-band Gaussian noise is most effective in improving motor performance and is most pleasant.Carlos Trenado, Areh Mikulić, Elias Manjarrez, Ignacio Mendez-Balbuena, Jürgen Schulte-Mönting, Frank Huethe, Marie-Claude Hepp-Reymond & Rumyana Kristeva - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  5.  45
    Design of a Logistics Nonlinear System for a Complex, Multiechelon, Supply Chain Network with Uncertain Demands.Aaron Guerrero Campanur, Elias Olivares-Benitez, Pablo A. Miranda, Rodolfo Eleazar Perez-Loaiza & Jose Humberto Ablanedo-Rosas - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
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    Cross-national measurement invariance of the Purpose in Life Test in seven Latin American countries.Tomás Caycho-Rodríguez, Lindsey W. Vilca, Mauricio Cervigni, Miguel Gallegos, Pablo Martino, Manuel Calandra, Cesar Armando Rey Anacona, Claudio López-Calle, Rodrigo Moreta-Herrera, Edgardo René Chacón-Andrade, Marlon Elías Lobos-Rivera, Perla del Carpio, Yazmín Quintero, Erika Robles, Macerlo Panza Lombardo, Olivia Gamarra Recalde, Andrés Buschiazzo Figares, Michael White & Carmen Burgos-Videla - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The Purpose in Life Test is a measure of purpose in life widely used in many cultures and countries; however, cross-cultural assessments are scarce. The present study aimed to evaluate the cross-cultural measurement invariance of the PIL in the general population of seven Latin American countries. A total of 4306 people participated, selected by non-probabilistic convenience sampling, where Uruguay has the highest mean age ; while Ecuador has the lowest mean age. Furthermore, in each country, there is a higher proportion (...)
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    Combined Use of Mathematical Optimization and Design of Experiments for the Maximization of Profit in a Four-Echelon Supply Chain.Daniel Arturo Olivares Vera, Elias Olivares-Benitez, Eleazar Puente Rivera, Mónica López-Campos & Pablo A. Miranda - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-25.
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    Engaging and developing community in digital spaces: Approaches from the Editorial Development Group.Onur Karamercan, Jacoba Matapo, Olivera Kamenarac, David Taufui Mikato Fa’Avae, Sonja Arndt, Ruth Irwin, Frans Kruger, Carl Mika, Mahaman Yaou Abdoul Bassidou, Marek Tesar & Pablo Del Monte - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (7):760-772.
    Despite the reservations of many, digital spaces are useful and are here to stay. Most of us have witnessed that usefulness in action over the last two years, since the outbreak of COVID-19, and ma...
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    Psychological Violence and Interculturality: A Correlational Study of Psychological Violence and Ethnic Identification at the Universidad Técnica del Norte-Ibarra.Elmer Meneses-Salazar, Pablo Buitrón-Jácome, Marco Hernández-Martínez, Sandra Elizabeth Álvarez Ramos, Oscar Vladimir Garrido-Rocha, Jorge-Elías Rivadeneira & Alexandra Mina - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:717-732.
    This study aimed to identify the level of psychological violence in ethnic relationships among students of the National Academic Leveling System (SNNA, derived from Spanish) at Universidad Técnica del Norte (UTN). The research is quantitative, cross-sectional and correlational due to the interaction observed between the variables associated with psychological violence and ethnic identification. A survey of 12 Likert-type questions was applied to students aged 17 years and older, encompassing both men and women representing different ethnicities. The sampling approach was probabilistic (...)
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    El Potencial Heurístico de la Teoría de la Civilización de Norbert Elias Para Estudiar la Violencia Juvenil.Pablo Nahuel di Napoli - 2017 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 18:84-111.
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal analizar el potencial heurístico de la teoría de la civilización, propuesta por Norbert Elias, para estudiar la violencia juvenil desde una perspectiva relacional y procesual. Luego de realizar breves aclaraciones respecto de ciertos términos sobre los cuales recaen las críticas en torno a su obra, se presentan tres claves de lectura. La primera se enmarca en los procesos sociogenéticos y psicogenéticos que impulsan, a lo largo del tiempo, el menoscabo del uso de la (...)
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    Delio en el argénteo Monte: Nuevos datos en torno a la Vida de Diego mexía de fernangil en la Villa imperial de potosí.Pablo Luis Quisbert Condori - 2011 - Alpha (Osorno) 33:257-272.
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    The Final Cut.Elia Zardini - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (6):1583-1611.
    In a series of works, Pablo Cobreros, Paul Égré, David Ripley and Robert van Rooij have proposed a nontransitive system (call it ‘_K__3__L__P_’) as a basis for a solution to the semantic paradoxes. I critically consider that proposal at three levels. At the level of the background logic, I present a conception of classical logic on which _K__3__L__P_ fails to vindicate classical logic not only in terms of structural principles, but also in terms of operational ones. At the level (...)
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    E. Higueras Castañeda, La pluma roja de la prensa federal: Pablo Correa y Zafrilla (1842-1888), Santander, Editorial de la Universidad de Cantabria, 2023, 317 pp. [REVIEW]Jaume Montés - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (2):223-225.
    Review of: E. Higueras Castañeda, La pluma roja de la prensa federal: Pablo Correa y Zafrilla (1842-1888), Santander, Editorial de la Universidad de Cantabria, 2023, 317 pp.
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    José Luis cancelo García, influencia de San Agustín en Santa Teresa. Monte carmelo, Burgos, 2015.Pablo Antonio Morillo Rey - 2020 - Isidorianum 24 (47-48):370-371.
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    D. José María Salvador y Barrera, obispo, senador y académico.Pablo Ramírez Jerez - 2021 - Isidorianum 23 (46):437-453.
    El presente artículo traza la semblanza intelectual y profesional del religioso José Mª Salvador y Barrera, natural de Marchena, que llegó a ser Rector del Colegio del Sacro Monte de Granada, Obispo de Tarazona, Obispo de Madrid-Alcalá, Arzobispo de Valencia y Senador, y que dedicó todos sus esfuerzos a defender la enseñanza religiosa y la acción social de la Iglesia desde los altos puestos que ocupó. Fue además un excelente orador y persona de gran cultura, siendo reconocida su labor por (...)
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    Os profetas também temem: Análise narrativa da fuga de Elias – 1 Reis 19, 1-21 (Prophets fear too: Narrative analysis of Elijah's flight – 1 Ki 19, 1-21). [REVIEW]Karina Andrea Pereira Garcia Coleta - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (30):775-799.
    À primeira vista, parece óbvia a mensagem contida no episódio em que o profeta Elias, ao fugir para o deserto, alcança o monte Horeb. Há os que percebem na narrativa uma clara referência a uma jornada interior, empreendida pelo profeta, com vistas à renovação de seu chamado ou mesmo como um retorno às fontes da fé. No entanto, a análise das estratégias de construção da narrativa pode levar ao propósito da mensagem conforme engendrada pelo narrador. O presente artigo consiste em (...)
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    Uncertainty estimation in the forecasting of the 222 Rn radiation level time series at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory.Miguel Cárdenas-Montes - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (2):227-238.
    Nowadays decision making is strongly supported by the high-confident point estimations produced by deep learning algorithms. In many activities, they are sufficient for the decision-making process. However, in some other cases, confidence intervals are required too for an appropriate decision-making process. In this work, a first attempt to generate point estimations with confidence intervals for the $^{222}$Rn radiation level time series at Canfranc Underground Laboratory is presented. To predict the low-radiation periods allows correctly scheduling the unshielded periods for maintenance operations (...)
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  18.  38
    The Role of Emotions in the Construction of Masculinity: Guatemalan Migrant Men, Transnational Migration, and Family Relations.Veronica Montes - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (4):469-490.
    This article examines how migration contributes to the plurality of masculinities among Guatemalan men, particularly among migrant men and their families. I argue that migration offers an opportunity to men, both migrant and nonmigrant, to reflect on their emotional relations with distinct family members, and show how, by engaging in this reflexivity, these men also have the opportunity to vent those emotions in a way that offsets some of the negative traits associated to a hegemonic masculinity, such as being unemotional, (...)
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    Work Engagement and Flourishing at Work Among Nuns: The Moderating Role of Human Values.Antonio Ariza-Montes, Horacio Molina-Sánchez, Jesús Ramirez-Sobrino & Gabriele Giorgi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Faith-based organizations are a key player in major sectors of activity for maintaining the welfare state, including health, education, and social services. This paper uses a multivariate regression model in an attempt to identify the factors that affect the relationship between work engagement and flourishing. The paper also discusses the empirical research gap that has been identified in the literature about the moderated effect of human values on this relationship. This study is based on a sample of 142 nuns of (...)
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    Toward a Thicker Notion of the Self.Alexander Montes - 2019 - Quaestiones Disputatae 9 (2):65-88.
    In this article, I compare Jean-Paul Sartre’s and Dietrich von Hildebrand’s analyses of the look of the other to argue that personhood is more fundamental than individuality. Sartre restricts subjectivity to individual consciousness, which, qua individual, is defined as not being what others are. As a result, both freedom and selfhood for Sartre are defined as “nihilation.” By contrast, for von Hildebrand, the experience of the loving interpenetration of looks reveals both the self and the other as concrete values precisely (...)
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  21. Toward the Name of the Other.Alexander Montes - 2019 - Quaestiones Disputatae 10 (1):82-109.
    In recent decades, Western philosophy, including personalism, has had to face the question of how to respect the otherness of the personal Other, a challenge issued most famously by Emmanuel Levinas. In his Totality and Infinity, Levinas's conclusions about alterity are stark. The Other is beyond all conceptualization and precedes my activity as a subject. It is the Other who founds my own independent subjectivity as an "I."1 These are indeed radical conclusions, but they raise the question, Does the very (...)
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    Slope-to-optimal-solution-based evaluation of the hardness of travelling salesman problem instances.Miguel Cárdenas-Montes - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (1):45-57.
    The travelling salesman problem is one of the most popular problems in combinatorial optimization. It has been frequently used as a benchmark of the performance of evolutionary algorithms. For this reason, nowadays practitioners request new and more difficult instances of this problem. This leads to investigate how to evaluate the intrinsic difficulty of the instances and how to separate ease and difficult instances. By developing methodologies for separating easy- from difficult-to-solve instances, researchers can fairly test the performance of their combinatorial (...)
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    The Costs of Institutional Racism and its Ethical Implications for Healthcare.Amanuel Elias & Yin Paradies - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (1):45-58.
    This paper discusses the ethical implications of racism and some of the various costs associated with racism occurring at the institutional level. We argue that, in many ways, the laws, social structures, and institutions in Western society have operated to perpetuate the continuation of historical legacies of racial inequities with or without the intention of individuals and groups in society. By merely maintaining existing structures, laws, and social norms, society can impose social, economic, and health costs on racial minorities that (...)
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  24. Wellbeing and Happiness.Elias L. Khalil - 2019 - Journal of Value Inquiry 53 (4):627-652.
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  25. Curso de educación: métodos de enseñanza y pedagogía.Pablo Montesino - 1988 - Madrid: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Centro de Publicaciones.
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  26. “Substance and the Emergence of the Cogito in Meditation II”.Pablo Muchnik - 2003 - Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science.
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  27. A consciousness-based quantum objective collapse model.Elias Okon & Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2020 - Synthese 197 (9):3947-3967.
    Ever since the early days of quantum mechanics it has been suggested that consciousness could be linked to the collapse of the wave function. However, no detailed account of such an interplay is usually provided. In this paper we present an objective collapse model where the collapse operator depends on integrated information, which has been argued to measure consciousness. By doing so, we construct an empirically adequate scheme in which superpositions of conscious states are dynamically suppressed. Unlike other proposals in (...)
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  28. Educación preescolar no convencional en Chile: experiencias y perspectivas.Viterbo Apablaza, Hugo Lavados Montes & Gilberto Calvo (eds.) - 1988 - Santiago de Chile: CPU.
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    Amizade cúmplice.Sérgio Eduardo Montes Castanho - 2015 - Filosofia E Educação 7 (2):5.
    Conheci Rubem Alves pelo Sigrist. Não foi aqui na academia. Foi pelos cantos e recantos desta Campinas. Alves e Sigrist foram colegas de magistério universitário em Rio Claro primeiro, nesta casa depois. Foram muito próximos até que a vida os separasse.
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    ¿ Cómo es posible el orden organizacional? Hacia Una revisión de Los supuestos sociológicos acerca de las organizaciones.Juan Pablo Gonnet - 2012 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 9.
    La sociología de las organizaciones reconoce a Weber como un referente fundacional del sub-campo disciplinar, centralmente, a partir de su análisis del fenómeno de la dominación burocrática. Si bien ha habido cuestionamientos y distanciamientos en relación a las observaciones seminales de Weber, consideramos que los supuestos básicos de esta herencia no han sido suficientemente problematizados. La sociología de las organizaciones ha tendido a conceptualizar a su objeto de estudio desde las caracterizaciones de la teoría de la burocracia y a asumir (...)
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    Professional formation and the university professors` suitable performances.Evelio F. Machado Ramírez & Nancy Montes de Oca Recio - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (1):1-20.
    En los más disímiles contextos universitarios, se generan hoy programas para mejorar los desempeños de los docentes en el proceso formativo; pero, infortunadamente estos no siempre resultan en un mejoramiento de la práctica cotidiana de las universidades, sobre todo en la calidad de la formación de los profesionales. De este hecho, el propósito del presente artículo está dado en realizar una valoración de las principales influencias epistemológicas en lo relativo a la profesionalización del docente universitario y develar aquellos desempeños idóneos (...)
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    Centralidades productivas en la industria automotriz: la territorialización del trabajo.Lucas Spinosa, Silvana Pereyra & Juan Montes Cato - 2020 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 24:186-219.
    Con el objeto de aumentar la rentabilidad, las empresas multinacionales transforman el proceso productivo, buscan flexibilizar las relaciones laborales y orientar las inversiones públicas para facilitar la circulación de las mercancías. Este artículo parte de esta problemática para abordar la dinámica industrial del sector automotriz, dando cuenta de las transformaciones en la territorialización de la producción en esta rama de la actividad económica. Para ello interesa estructurar una mirada de largo plazo enfocada en los movimientos que sufrió el producto bruto (...)
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  33. The Black Hole Information Paradox and the Collapse of the Wave Function.Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (4):461-470.
    The black hole information paradox arises from an apparent conflict between the Hawking black hole radiation and the fact that time evolution in quantum mechanics is unitary. The trouble is that while the former suggests that information of a system falling into a black hole disappears, the latter implies that information must be conserved. In this work we discuss the current divergence in views regarding the paradox, we evaluate the role that objective collapse theories could play in its resolution and (...)
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    An alternative view for incorporating more scaled differences to differential evolution.Miguel Cárdenas-Montes - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
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  35. Guerra Por Nuestra Atención.Luis Felipe Oyarzún Montes - 2024 - Astrolabio 1 (29):1-18.
    El presente articulo busca trazar ciertas coordenadas que nos permitan pensar el nuevo terreno extendido de la política contemporánea, proponiendo - a partir sobre todo del pensamiento de Bernard Stiegler - que este tiene lugar en el campo de las nuevas psicotecnologías al servicio del capital especulativo y financiero transnacional. Veremos que estas son piloteadas por una verdadera guerra económica que busca capturar y explotar el tiempo disponible de nuestro cerebro, condicionando de este modo el campo pulsional de los individuos (...)
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    Alusiones hímnicas en el exordio de Argonáuticas de Apolonio de Rodas: Tradiciones renovadas e innovaciones tradicionales.Pablo Llanos - 2017 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 21 (1):1-15.
    En el exordio de Argonáuticas, Apolonio emplea una serie de alusiones hímnicas que le otorgan a su poema una mayor profundidad de sentido y una textura literaria diferente. En este trabajo analizaremos cómo a partir de una serie de alusiones al exordio de Fenómenos de Arato, Apolonio introduce elementos del repertorio hímnico en su épica, y cómo fusiona la invocación épica a las Musas con la plegaria hímnica y cuáles son los significados y funciones de esta fusión. Estas alusiones presentan (...)
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    El relato proléptico en la épica: Fineo como narrador interno en Argonáuticas de Apolonio de Rodas.Pablo Martín Llanos - 2013 - Argos (Universidad Simón Bolívar) 36 (2):135-149.
    Un tipo de prolepsis, utilizado frecuentemente en Argonáuticas, es el discurso-programa en el cual un personaje anticipa la narración posterior. De esta manera funciona el relato de Fineo como guía de navegación para los Argonautas. Con el ineludible modelo de los relatos de viajes de Odisea, esta narración interna guarda una relación especular con la obra que la contiene y conlleva una cuasi-identificación entre narrador interno y narrador principal. Este artículo tiene como objetivo el análisis de los niveles narrativos en (...)
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    Other-Regarding Preferences.Elias L. Khalil & Alain Marciano - 2021 - Social Theory and Practice 47 (2):265-298.
    The category “other-regarding preferences” is a catch-all phrase based on a self/other dichotomy. While the self/other might be useful when the motive is self-interest or altruism, it fails when the motive involves bonding. This article identifies three motives that involve bonding: i) the preferences regarding friendship and community; ii) the preferences that amalgamate communal bonding with self-interest; and iii) the preferences for distinction and status. These three types of preferences unify the self and other—usually aided by ceremonies of gift exchange (...)
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  39. On Pearl's Hierarchy and the Foundations of Causal Inference.Elias Bareinboim, Juan Correa, Duligur Ibeling & Thomas Icard - 2022 - In Hector Geffner, Rita Dechter & Joseph Halpern, Probabilistic and Causal Inference: the Works of Judea Pearl. ACM Books. pp. 507-556.
    Cause and effect relationships play a central role in how we perceive and make sense of the world around us, how we act upon it, and ultimately, how we understand ourselves. Almost two decades ago, computer scientist Judea Pearl made a breakthrough in understanding causality by discovering and systematically studying the “Ladder of Causation” [Pearl and Mackenzie 2018], a framework that highlights the distinct roles of seeing, doing, and imagining. In honor of this landmark discovery, we name this the Pearl (...)
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  40. An Institutional Perspective on the Diffusion of International Management System Standards: The Case of the Environmental Management Standard ISO 14001.Magali A. Delmas & Maria J. Montes-Sancho - 2011 - Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (1):103-132.
    ABSTRACT:This paper analyzes how national institutional factors affect the adoption of the international environmental management standard ISO 14001, using a panel of 139 countries from 1996 to 2006. The analysis emphasizes that during the emerging phase of the standard, the potential lack of consensus within the constituents of the national institutional environment concerning the value of a new standard could send mixed signals to firms about the standard. The results show that in the early phase of adoption, regulative and normative (...)
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    Making Sense of Self-Deception: Distinguishing Self-Deception from Delusion, Moral Licensing, Cognitive Dissonance and Other Self-Distortions.Elias L. Khalil - 2017 - Philosophy 92 (4):539-563.
    There has been no systematic study in the literature of how self-deception differs from other kinds of self-distortion. For example, the term ‘cognitive dissonance’ has been used in some cases as a rag-bag term for all kinds of self-distortion. To address this, a narrow definition is given: self-deception involves injecting a given set of facts with an erroneous fact to make anex antesuboptimal decision seem as if it wereex anteoptimal. Given this narrow definition, this paper delineates self-deception from deception as (...)
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    La conversión del Cardenal Newman.Manuel Angel Acebal Montes - 1987 - Augustinus 32 (125-128):433-453.
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    Protecting privacy to protect mental health: the new ethical imperative.Elias Aboujaoude - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (9):604-607.
    Confidentiality is a central bioethical principle governing the provider–patient relationship. Dating back to Hippocrates, new laws have interpreted it for the age of precision medicine and electronic medical records. This is where the discussion of privacy and technology often ends in the scientific health literature when Internet-related technologies have made privacy a much more complex challenge with broad psychological and clinical implications. Beyond the recognised moral duty to protect patients’ health information, clinicians should now advocate a basic right to privacy (...)
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  44. A Categorial Semantic Representation of Quantum Event Structures.Elias Zafiris & Vassilios Karakostas - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (9):1090-1123.
    The overwhelming majority of the attempts in exploring the problems related to quantum logical structures and their interpretation have been based on an underlying set-theoretic syntactic language. We propose a transition in the involved syntactic language to tackle these problems from the set-theoretic to the category-theoretic mode, together with a study of the consequent semantic transition in the logical interpretation of quantum event structures. In the present work, this is realized by representing categorically the global structure of a quantum algebra (...)
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  45. Durkheim y la construcción de la realidad social: semejanzas con Schütz.Pablo Gaitán Rossi - 2012 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 44 (133):125-138.
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    Is “willpower” a scientific concept? Suppressing temptation contra resolution in the face of adversity.Elias L. Khalil - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    The distinction that Ainslie draws among the triple-phenomena “suppression,” “resolve,” and “habit” is a great advance in decision making theory. But the conceptual machinery “willpower,” and its underpinning distinction between small/soon rewards as opposed to large/later rewards, provides a faulty framework to understand the triple-phenomena.
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  47. Remarks on the nonstandard real axis.Elias Zakon - 1969 - In W. A. J. Luxemburg, Applications of model theory to algebra, analysis, and probability. New York,: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. pp. 195--227.
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  48. Opiniones cruzadas: grandes retos para la humanidad.David B. Brooks, Elías Fereres Castiel, Carmen Fuente Salvador & Juan Manuel Cachaza Silverio - 2010 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 57:135-149.
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    Raymund Schwager, SJ, in Fourvière and Fribourg.Dom Elias Carr CanReg - 2015 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 22:221-245.
    Three years before René Girard published La violence et le sacré, a Jesuit doctoral candidate at the University of Fribourg began a short essay entitled “Unterwegs zu einer toleranten Kirche” in April 1969 with this claim: “Hexenjadgen gab es auf die eine oder andere Weise zu allen Zeiten”. After having asserted that it is a universal feature of human existence to elevate customs, laws, thought patterns, and other interests to absolute norms, he argued, “Im Namen dieser Normen stießen sie dann (...)
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  50. El concepto de consagración religiosa en el Magisterio de la Iglesia desde el concilio Vaticano II hasta la exhortación apostólica Vita Consecrata.P. Etzi & J. Sanz Montes - 1998 - Verdad y Vida 56 (221):31-64.
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